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I'm All that......probably not!

Your just sitting there with some friends and a guy comes up to you. He throws out some bad pick up line and you just look at him. Then maybe he gives you his number and says call me. He walks back to his friends and they're all like, yea way to go man. Then that guy sits back and stares over at you the rest of the night.

In this situation 99% of the time I go home and if I even still have his number I throw it away. Why? Do I think I'm better than him? No, not really. But a guy who gives me the up and down at least 50 million times and thinks I'm going to just be an easy lay, is definetly to full of himself for me. Conceited people, especially at my age are everywhere.

Needless to say though, I too can be conceited. Yet I do draw the line. Sure sometimes I think to myself wow you're great. But that's like once a year. I'm not down on myself nor am I thinking I'm God or anything. It's quite hard for me to respect people who care not about anyone else. But only for themselves and their "needs".

A boy and a girl meet one day. A boy and a girl fall in love. She gives him everything he could ask for. He in return gives her more than she could ever expect. Their relationship maintains innocence though. A boy and a girl dancing in the streets, laughing and smiling. Staring up into the night skies and the girl silently thinks to herself. "I've found a treasure like no other. No one quite understands though. His eyes light the skies and his hands warm the whole world. His voice calms the rigid winds. No one else has cried with me or ran to me in the middle of the nights." Sitting beside her, the boy stares into her eyes. She wishes to herself she knew what was going on inside his head. As time progressed, the shine turned to darkness. And the love he once felt seemed to be hidden away. Yet she knew inside it still lingered there. They went their seperate ways. Now she sits alone, and dances alone. He left her, and ran far far away. She hasn't heard his voice in months, she hasn't heard his voice in years. Though she knows deep down she'll never forget.

How could he have cared, if he hates her now? He calls her names and changes her image. She's only a distorted blurr in his mind now. Yet how could he feel this way. Is he so full of himself that the ways he acts and how he hurts his friends don't matter to him? How could he do that to anyone?

Her tears they all think will stop soon. She knows in her heart, tears fallen for this will never stop. For uncertainty and hatred never leave your soul.

A close friend of mine recently got her little heart broken. I didn't help mend it though. I couldn't for I wasn't in the right place to stop it. She fell for a boy she thought she might have. I knew all along how he spoke of her when she wasn't around. He was there for her and talked to her all the time. Then all of the sudden he left. Like a shadow in the night, he disappeared. Leaving her with tears and uncertainty. Now she cries in the night and the walls spin around her head. What can you say to a friend who's been hurt by someone so full of themselves they honestly don't care? In this case there is nothing to say for on both sides we know too much. Why we let the honesty of friendship be broken and keep secrets because of a boy is beyond me. But recently a close friend of mine got her heartbroken and all I can seem to do is sit and watch from across the room.

I watch people getting stepped on, being hurt and seeing no way out. For they get stepped on and crushed by people who do not care. They think they are better and have the right to hurt, have the right to crush and to hurt. But they don't. And for all the people that are hurting out there. That feel they do not equal up, or aren't good enough. Your wrong.

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