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Inner Being

Speak to me your point of mind
Tell of your inner conscious
Speak to me your hate
I just don't understand
I understand your inner feeling to the point of consciousness I can only realize
the place I can not reach
is where the truth is hidden
The deep secrets buried within the entrance to your love
Friend is a meaningless word
Love is a word I have never truly heard
From the depths of freedom
To the chains of your slavery
I have felt the fire
I have felt the pains
Take me home
Let me die
Let me feel your hate
Let me feel your fire
Let me lay under the night skies in peace
Restless and longing I lay
Under an empty sky
Pleading for a life
I will never fully grasp
I will never truly want
A life I need so much
That I will never want as much
As I need you now
So speak your hate
And tell me your trials of agony
That is me
And that is you
From now until Eternity
Fall to the ground
Empty Child
Hidden by the black curtains that cover your inner truth

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