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The Scream

Empty autumn days, the wind at her feet. She looks areound in despair calling out his name, wishing she could find the boy she used to know. Praying to her God to bring him back to her. Running through the meadows, the rain begins to fall. Saddness succumbs her weakened body, as she whispers his name so soft. Fallen to the ground staring into space wondering where he has gone. Screaming out his name she stands. Silently she says in a calming grace, all she needs now is his angelic face. From across the wooden bridge, she hears her Lover call, screaming in a rage.

The road that he does stand on, is far away. His mind is gone, his soul at loss. As he drifts from this place. Demons haunting his grace. He screams out if fear. Wishing he could find his true Love's beautiful face. Calming surrender slightly easing his pain. He prays to his God, wishing for her embrace. He know now he must go. And find another place. Slowly does he rise, standing on his feet. Terror overcomes him of what may soon surround him. Screams begin to flow. So silent, yet so unbearably loud. He slowly drifts away.

Long autumn nights, she drifts tenderly. Her mind is lost, her soul in some other place. Asking concious questions of things she can't deny. She stumbles upon a road, so near, yet so far away. Dressed in black, she sees her Love. Standing still in his place, he's screaming in a rage. That only she can her. Her lover stands so still as she comes up to his face. Frozen in an endless time forever screaming in a rage. Slowly she does leave, her true love behind. Her heart now shattered, her mind lost and her soul drifting into place. His screams being to fade as rage succumbs her mind. Tears upon her cheek, blood upon her hands. She wonders whre she's going. She knows now she must go. Dressed in black lace, her screams fill the air. As she freezes in an endless time. Frozen forever in her Lover's embrace.


Based upon the painting "The Scream"