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Why Do We Hold Expectations??

Why do we expect things? Why do I expect people to be there? Why do I expect them to come over? Why do I expect people to just know?

People can tell me their opinions on these answers, but none of them fit for me. I believe it's one of those questions that will go unanswered. Hopefully in my lifetime I will be able to figure out why we expect things, but I doubt it.

When you are close to someone for months and all of the sudden they just pretend as if they don't know you, why didn't I expect that? Or did I? What did I expect? I expected to be respected and at least have a friendship. Though once again my expectations were definetly wrong.

I expected my Dad to always be there in sound mind and body. I expected wrong again. I expected my friends to stick through with me until the end. And most didn't. That's not to say I don't have great friends. I do. Trust me.

Why do I expect things of myself? I have always expected myself to be something more than just a nobody. I've always expected to be known. Maybe my expectation will come true, yet it still may not. One of my good friends, expects to always be friends with someone who let me down and hurt me unbelievably. Why does she expect that from him? When I did the same,and I got hurt? She expects because it is what people do. We expect things. Many people expect so many things, in my opinion that is why heartbreak is a reigining force in most lives.

I haven't learned yet from my mistakes. As much as I don't expect "that person" to be there. As much as I know they let me down, and that their expectations must not have been very high, I still expect. I still expect to see his face every now and then. I still expect my Dad to pick me up and throw me in the crystal blue water. I still expect my friends to always be there.

I suppose none of my expectations will ever come true. I have learned not to hold expectations. Now in my life I don't expect much of anyone. They can come and they can go. Even though it may hurt me and it may break my heart. I try and tell myself I didn't expect much more.

On the flip side of this one, expectations are good to hold. They help us find hope and give us light. They help us to do our best and be better than we can be. Expectations are definetly good.

My conclusion is that an Expectation is definetly an atithesis of itself.


