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Where Am I??

Lost in conscious reality
yet so close we do not see
troubles so hard
shaking from the source
growing from the soul
a kiss is just a kiss
unless it's from a love so unknown
trying so hard to forget
wanting to let go
trying to heal your pains
wishing you did know how sorrowful I feel
understanding fate
that still may never come

baby girl in a pink ribbon
no more are we
growing to a person
So unknown to me
I lost myself so long ago
yet still I hold on tight
coming through the fires
the worst are yet to come
the light at the end of the road I know is already shone above
endless mazes we do enter
calming still emotions
surrender hostile consciousness
friendship such a thing
i still am unaware
yet I feel a pain
tears shed within
for three kisses I would never have made
if i was truly conciensus
though I am aware of what I do
willing to stand and fight
for the ground I take
Speak to me your pains
a smile on my face
Answers deep within
The key still in some small town so far away
the key so unaware of the secrets deep within
the pains it caused
the pains he has eased
friendship so true
broken hearted babies
mending back together
floating to unconiousness
in a sweet reality

Princess Spit I love you.