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Classic Acros are those that receive over 50% of the room vote. Judged by your peers as outstanding is quite an honour and we are delighted to show you but a few of Fortytudes CLASSIC ACRO achievers! We would love to display YOUR classic in our Cellar too...

    TOPIC: Science
    TOPIC: Bugs
    TOPIC: Heaven
    TOPIC: Science
40Laps  '        7       Physics investigates forces... Opposites attract
    Storyline acro...Extortion, fled to Tahiti...Mafia followed
40SxyBabe     8       Anxiety+ Closet= Claustrophobia!
    TOPIC: Lawyers
40Carats2       7       Prosecutor's unveil lies relentlessly.
     TOPIC: What or who really woke Sleeping Beauty with a Kiss?
    TOPIC: Science
    TOPIC: Rhyme time!
    TOPIC: Things to say to deter a Telemarketer!
    TOPIC: Accupuncture
    TOPIC: Slogans seen on a woman's t-shirt

Category: Hitchcock    PCJSG
Acro: Psycho: Cut jugular, shower's gory!
VenusOz     8 votes

Category: General Acrophobia     MFND
Acro: Menopause: Female nymphomaniac dies!
Coachwoman    10 votes

Category: General Acrophobia   CST
Acro: Circumcision: Snipped tips
VenusOz    9 votes

Team Acro Classic!  Couch Rules Classic!
Category: What to get your sweetheart for Valentine's Day  PLSJIE
Acro:  Pretty, lacy sleepwear. Jewelry is elegant!
40Ouncer    8 votes

Team Acro Classic! 
Couch Rules Classic!
Category: General Acrophobia   TPG
Termites! Pinocchio's Gone!
40VenusOz   8 votes

Team Acro Classic! 
Couch Rules Classic!
Category: Who is RuPaul?   SFJSF
Acro: Somewhat "Female"? Jury's STILL figuring!
40Charysma   7 votes

Team Acro Classic!  Couch Rules Classic!
Category: What's the title of the book you just wrote? TCVSFVP
Acro: "Today's Convict, Volume Seven" (for violent people)
Player: 40~Doe    8 Votes

Team Acro Classic!
Category: Mother Goose & Fairy Tales    IBAN
Acro: Imaginative beanstalks and notions
40fiedWine   9 votes

Team Acro Classic!   
Couch Rules Classic!
Category: Really bad mixed drinks  SJSDA
Acro: "Spitfire": Jalapenos, Scotch (Dewar's) Anisette
40Charysma    7 votes

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