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Angles Words to Me

by Diana



Did you see that Angel

Sitting next to me

I was so surprised

I thought this couldn't be

Was she here to guide me

To the site of Heavens Door

Or merely my imagination

One I simply could not ignore

She smiled at me with wisdom

She knew just what I thought

She answered me with gentleness

No Dear, your life will hold much more

So I peeked with some suspicion

From the corner of my eye

To see this angelic vision and simply ask her "Why"

She smiled again with tenderness

And she spoke with such a sigh

She seemed to know me very well

Of this I did not understand just why

She said remember when you were a child

You had a friend who went unseen

She gave you love, and gave you glee

She made you laugh and scream

Go back in time my Dear and hopefully you will see

The friend who played right by your side

Was an Angel just like me

Now I turned and took a different view

I remember such a friend

I went back to the time

When everything was fun and free

And I began to see

All the visions of the child

That Diana use to be

I shouted with the joy I felt

And grabbed her close to me

This was my little playmate

The one who ran with me

I asked her once again

The question I could not hold

Why now?

Why come back again?

And wait until I'm old?

She stood and smiled down upon me

This vision that was blessed

She spoke with such a tone of love

Tinged with wisps of tenderness

She said Child I have an important message

One I hope is ready to be heard

Sit back my Dear and hold my hand

At once you will be told

Your Father asked I come today

To ease your troubled thoughts

He told me that he misses you

And all your wonderful talks

He is standing right behind you

He is unable to be seen

The sadness that surrounds you

Is what drew him here today

The reason I came to see you Dear

With compassion in her eyes she said

He wants you to be happy

And not dwell upon your loss

I have just lost my Father

So this all made sense to me

I am so grateful to my Angel friend

For bringing him here to me

She said he put his arms around me

And held me while we talked

I think that I could feel him

I'm sure it's not just a thought

They went on to assure me how wonderful he is

And to give me insight into Heaven

This place that he now calls his

She said now listen carefully

To want he wants to say

So I opened up my heart

And drew in every word my Father said that day

He told me it 's so beautiful

That someday I would see

He said the only emotions he feels

Is great Happiness

And a new found sense of Serenity

He said he saw my Grandma

And said she's doing fine

They both are so impressed

With this new Realm they call The Great Divine

He went on to describe to me

The colours this place holds

He said they are so beautiful

A sight one must behold

Like nothing he had seen before

Or even chanced to guess


We sat around and talked that day

My Dad and this Angel friend

I think I can accept things now

The way they had to end

They both are watching over me

To make sure that I am fine

I know they will be there for me

When God tells me that it's my time

@copyrite by Diana

Written by Diana

And Inspired by my Childhood Imaginary Friend

and the Love of my Father

If tears could build a stairway,
and memories were a lane,
I would walk right up to heaven
to bring you home again.
No farewell words were spoken
no time to say good-bye
you were gone before I knew it,
and only God knows why.
My heart still aches in sadness
and secret tears still flow,
what it meant to lose you,
no one will ever know.

Author Unknown

This Globe was made for me by
D'Wind Flower Fairy
God bless her for such a beautiful gift!


Thank You Rebecca


Love you Daddy Now and Forever!

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This candle burns on for the children



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