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Here are some really great short stories by some of my most favorite short story writers. If you enjoy reading, take my word for it, you'll want to read these!!


1. Marionettes, Inc. - Ray Bradbury
What would happen if you were to create a clone of yourself? You could use it to escape the things you hate most in life...maybe... This story was written in 1951 by Ray Bradbury, master of Science Fiction. Keep the date in mind as you come across the years in the story.


2. The Story of an Hour - Kate Chopin
A story about honestly considering our own, TRUE, feelings. Mrs. Mallard hears distressing news about her husband, leaving her deeply hurt... or is she? This story was written by Kate Chopin, a feminist writer, in 1894... This woman has got some strong view on marriage!


3. Long Walk to Forever - Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.
Just a simple love story about Catherine and Newt... aww! Written in 1968 by Kurt Vonnegut, another great writer of Science Fiction, and also widely known for his satirical commentaries on society...


4. The Last Leaf - O. Henry
Written by O. Henry, who is in my mind America's greatest short story writer. O. Henry is best known for his short stories, which without fail, almost always end in a "twist".


5. The Necklace - Guy de Maupassant
A story with an unexpected twist at the end...


6. The Gift of the Magi - O. Henry
Another classic O. Henry story...



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