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OOoOh la la! So you wanna know what's new here?


NOTE: As lots of you probably already know, I devote a lot of my time to this webpage.. so if you like any of the web graphics or pictures, I'd really appreciate it if you didn't "steal" the stuff on my page... I've spent a lot of time making the graphics and scanning the pix! So if you want anything, just ask nicely, I'll surely say yes. Thanks!!


- [Dag, already the YEAR 2000!! How weird is that? I still keep writing '99 on all my notes..]
- I've officially decided that this page SUCKS!! It's so... blah. amateur. It's about time for a new look, don't you think? I'm still gonna keep this page up here, but be on the lookout for a brand spankin new page... Click here to see a preview of my new page...
- YES!!! I've finally found the cure for those stupid pop up ads!! If you notice, they don't come up on the splash page, the welcome page, this page, the about me pages, and some random pictures pages... i got bored after i added the script to those pages. ah, what a breath of fresh air.
- 5 weeks :)

- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH I HATE FINALS!!!!!! Thank goodness gracious I get to go home tomorrow ^_^
- It's hard to believe my first semester of college is almost to an end... It's been a good few months. Penn State isn't so bad if you like cold weather, semi-easy classes, and cheap Papa John's to keep you going through those all nighters!! Much love to my roomie Suzie and my fella OKC Bruddas for making this first semester very enjoyable ^_~
- Click here to see how you can make EASY CASH!

- Dag, I haven't made major updates to this page for awhile... guess I've been busy "STUDYING"! However there have been lots of teeny tiny adjustments that I bet no one except Jiye has noticed!
- Noooo!! The unthinkable has happened! Angelfire has finally gotten pop up advertisements! *GASP* Those things are so friggen annoying, but sorry folks, there's nothing I can do about it. Just keep cancelling those suckers away...
- I'm soooo sorry about those freakin MP3s!!! I just realized they don't work... (thanks James!) it's stupid Yahoos fault. So I'm going to move them all onto Tripod. Just you wait!
- Check out my new welcome page!! It only took me 2 hours to do :) It's kinda long, but cool, so be sure to watch the whole thing at least once!
- Visit my family section to see some pictures of my family
- Check out some baby pictures of me
- Updated links section
- New Camp Men-O-Lan pix! (Still under construction)

- New MP3s to download in the music section! Get them while you can!!

- The music section has FINALLY been updated!! Go download some MP3's!

- The "Pictures" page has a whole new look to it... go check it out!

- Awwwwwwwwww! My counter is broken or something! Man!!!! I'm sad.
- Camp Men-O-Lan Group and Cabin pictures from 1994~1999 are up! Stay tuned for brand spankin new ones from this past summer...

- I haven't updated this page for awhile... But my page has passed the 2000 mark! WOWOWOWOWWOWOW~ All I added that's new is a link to Linda's Slam Book. Go sign it! I'm also going to try and get my pictures from this summer put up here ASAP so please stay tuned!

- I redid the fly guys section and added another guy... I also compressed the thumbnails so they SHOULD load a little faster than before! This page looks a little different, too~
- My About Me section is totally different
- Look for Juliet in Random Pictures 1 and John in Random Pictures 2!

- I redid that whole "WELCOME" page... Can you tell??? There's a new graphic at the top, and a new layout of the links... I'm going to revamp my whole site, so stay tuned please!

space waster

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