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Time For Orgy-Tubbies! Teletubbies

Over the hills and far away... Orgy-Tubbies come to play!



SMETNet Link Exchange

DISCLAIMER: The Orgy-Tubbies are not on TV. They are not cutesy, nor do they live in a perfect world filled with happiness and love. However, they bear an amazing resemblence to certain characters on a show televised on PBS. I assure you, we didn't mean for this to happen. We were just on similar types of drugs when we came up with the idea.

In addition, Orgy-Tubbies have absolutely no affilation with the accounts. It is not run by Orgy-Tubbies, nor do the Orgy-Tubbies understand how their popularity has been exploited in this way. It makes them cry. Except Paigey Waigey. He thinks it's hilarious.