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Only idiots deliberately avoid seeking advice from professionals in critically important matters.

Dubya is an idiot.

Faced with vetting nominees to fill an estimated 100 vacancies on the federal bench, he breaks 50 years of tradition and thumbs his nose at nonpartisan advice from the American Bar Assn.

Dubya instead will welcome recommendations from partisans in the White House, Justice Dept. and the archconservative Federalist Society.

Eventual nominees for the lifetime appointments obviously will have passed right-wing litmus tests on abortion, school vouchers, school prayer and dozens of other issues embraced by religious and political fundamentaliskts.

Gone will be exhaustive ABA research on the professionalism, temperament and character of prospective nominees to district courts, courts of appeal and the Supreme Court.

Dubya's action ensures that only clones of Robert Bork will don federal judicial robes unless the divided U.S. Senate can block the process by withholding its consent. (29 APRIL 2001)
