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Summer's fairs and rodeos now exhibit America's latest innovation in sanctioned child abuse: bull riding.

That's right. Children aged 6-14, wearing helmets and padded vests, now can ride "miniature" snorting bulls weighing 600-700 pounds in public spectacles.

The horned beasts aren't calves, but mean adult buckers crossbred from smaller cattle. Wonderful.

For $30 entry fees, the children compete for cash prizes and belt buckles awarded for riding the most seconds before hitting the dirt. Bruises and broken bones are routine badges of honor.

During the insane fad's five-year rise in popularity, no child reportedly has been gored or rendered comatose--a regular crowd-pleaser in its adult counterpart.

But, hey, it's only a matter of time. When a child eventually is maimed or killed, the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children and state child-welfare officials will rein in the practice.

That's alot of bull, of course. Those same agencies haven't stopped other dangerous exploitations and endangerments of children in vehicular contests and contact sports.(29 JULY 2001)
