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No ism in the world represents a greater threat to the United States than political correctionism--the agenda-driven dismantling of the English language.

Nevermind that an estimated 28-million American residents don't understand even the basics of English, let alone the nuances. Now they also must worry about racist and sexist no-nos cited by language guerrillas.

Forepersons founded America? Niggardly is an "N" word? Everyone should do their utmost? She is chair of the committee? In all of personkind?

For Christ's sake, they even want to edit the King James Bible and Shakespeare and Mark Twain classics to neutralize their sexist and racial tones.

Even bullshit and cowshit are now just plain poop. And a mastermind now has to be a genius or plotter.

It wouldn't be so bad if politicians, so-called teachers of English and other synchophants couldn't keep straight faces while speaking that blather.

America is becoming a nation of content-free communications, lest language offend anyone, anywhere. Even news editors and writers and their stylebooks have joined the bandwagon to eliminate man from police, fire, sales, mail, anchor, weather, fore, crafts and the like.

Then there are the idiots who say they are citizens of a state or city. Persons can only be citizens of nations, but residents of states or cities. And Congress includes both senators and representatives. Congressmen are not just representatives, but senators as well.

Even the venerable National Spelling Bee, sponsored by a national newspaper chain, is not above undermining the English language. A few years ago, a finalist was eliminated after failing to spell douanier, the French word for customs official.

Douanier isn't in any American dictionary. And would the French permit an English word in its national spelling bee? Mait non. In fact, France would exile the sponsor of such a proposal to Devils Island. Toot sweet.

For another thing, since when does a corporation or company take a their rather than it in second references?

Manly words to the wise: America has got to get its linguistic mojo working again. (6 JUNE 1999)
