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Heavy textbook, once meaning difficult tome, now means a weight exceeding limits established by California law beginning in July 2004.

The law was prompted by parental complaints that school textbook loads exceeding 15 percent of a child’s body weight strained student muscles and tore up backpacks.

Heavier school texts resulted from official and parental demands on publishers for more curricular content, photos and graphics.

And secondary schools removed lockers to eliminate stash points for weapons, drugs and other contraband—forcing students to carry all their school and personal gear to and from school and every class.

Wait a minute. There is an inexpensive, practical solution that doesn’t require percentile weight limits or taxpayer outlays for reinstallation of lockers and lighter textbooks.

It’s the combination backpack-rolling tote—the luggage used by millions of travelers (and college students) around the world.

The tote’s wheels and retractable handle allow heavy loads to be transported easily and comfortably.

Unfortunately, preteens and teenagers universally prefer traditional backpacks rather than the “geeky” totes.

Tough titty. Totes save backs and taxpayer bucks. (29 DECEMBER 2002)
