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Kiss off Osama bin Laden, folks.

America’s No. 1 enemies are users of illegal drugs and drivers of sports utility vehicles and other gas-guzzlers.

Profits from imported illegal drugs such as pot, cocaine and heroin go to terrorists in Central and South America and the Middle and Far East.

Doubters should view news videos of major cash crops of poppies and coca plants that sustain criminal cartels or regimes in Iran, Afghanistan, Columbia and other countries.

Profits from the sale of oil to the United States and other countries go indirectly from Saudia Arabia to terrorists and directly to rogue regimes in Iraq and elsewhere.

Most SUVs, pickup trucks and recreational vehicles in America aren’t used for hauling loads, carrying passengers or traveling off road. They’re simply ego-builders for conspicuous consumers.

Illegal drug use diverts scarce tax resources to law enforcement, the justice and penal systems. Wasteful use of oil depletes the world’s diminishing source of fossil fuels. (12 JANUARY 2003)
