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Access to the Internet and cable-news stations:

One of the major rationales for easing Federal Communications Commission restrictions on joint ownership of news media in the same consumer market.

According to the recent FCC action, single ownership of most newspapers, radio and television stations in the same town isn’t a monopoly anymore.

Hundreds, even thousands, of informative websites and channels allegedly provide rich alternative sources of facts and opinions.

Nevermind that most Americans aren’t wired to the World Wide Web or cable-news networks.

Nevermind that those mediums don’t carry local news or opinions.

Nevermind that taxpayers own America’s radio and TV airwaves, but station owners don’t pay one cent for their lucrative use.

Live in a one-newspaper town? Hell, we’re headed for a one-newspaper, one-radio station, one-TV station country. (29 JUNE 2003)
