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Hooray for the Atkins and South Beach low-carbohydrate diets.

They work--the first faster than the latter, however. But who cares?

The Editor, once close to 300 pounds, has slipped to a svelte 240 since Jan. 1. Atkins, supported by twice-weekly water aerobics, takes the credit.

And forget all that “nutritional” hype about high-protein diets raising cholesterol levels.

The Editor’s cholesterol level dropped from 166 on Nov. 20 to 120 on July 13. His bad LDL cholesterol dipped from 91 to 68 and his triglycerides plummeted from 112 to 52.

On top of all that, The Editor’s blood pressure is now 107 over 68.

He’s celebrating his half-way goal by consuming a plate of Atkins-friendly liver and onions, shrimp cocktail and a bowl of chocolate ice cream deliciously sweetened with Splenda.

Eat your heart out. (18 JULY 2004)
