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America now has proof that at least l.5 million future illegal immigrants from Mexico will be at least semi-literate in their own language.

That many copies of a comic book illustrating how to sneak safely into the United States have been published and distributed by the Mexican government in print and online.

No literacy percentages, however, can be assigned to the estimated 30 million illegals already earning billions of untaxed underground dollars in America.

The Guide for the Mexican Immigrant, published by Mexico’s Foreign Relations Dept., is a free insert included in popular comic books sold south of the border.

It supplements Mexican government-sponsored radio and television spots already conveying the same information to “job seekers.”

Typically, the U.S. State Dept. responded to the ensuing American outrage by saying, “Both the United States and Mexican government have a strong commitment to ensuring that immigration…is safe, orderly and legal (according to Mexican law).”

Meanwhile, America stops or deports only about l.l million illegals each year. (30 JANUARY 2005)
