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Goodbye, crayons, pencils, pens, erasers and reams of lined and unlined paper.

Society eventually will transform formal education into a fully electronic process.

Textbooks will be replaced by up-to-date information obtained from approved filtered sources on the Internet or accessed from other secure venues.

Instead of weighty tomes, usually out of date upon publication, inexpensive laptops and desktop computers will be issued to and used by every student in classrooms or at home through wired or wireless connections to central servers and printers.

Touch typing will be introduced in the early grades as a basic skill. Computer slates and styluses will be used to teach the skills of printing, handwriting and art.

Computer programs will correct or highlight spelling and grammar errors, grade tests and homework and give educators instant individual, classroom, grade-level , schoolwide and districtwide gauges of progress toward learning goals.

Educators already use computer games to successfully enhance reading, math and science instruction for individual pupils or groups of students.

See Jane. See Jane type. See Jane enter data. (8 MAY 2005)
