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Dubya used his first veto to prevent the destruction of excess human embryos in scientific research using federal funds.

His action actually ensures destruction of those same unused fertilized human eggs in fertility clinics and thumbs its nose at the overwhelming majority of Americans.

As thousands of the precursor cells are flushed down the toilet, so are the hopes of millions of present and future suffers of spinal-cord injuries, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases, diabetes, cancer and a variety of other health problems.

Dubya and other Bible-pounders believe life begins at conception and that embryonic stem-cell research is “murder.”

Nevermind that America’s courts and medical communities have concluded that viable human life doesn’t exist until the third trimester of pregnancy.

Militant Muslims commit murder-suicide to rid the world of Christians, Jews and other “nonbelievers.” Why bother? Dubya and his fundamentalist cronies are much more effective. (30 JULY 2006)
