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Reinstate Draft in America

America should reinstate the Selective Service draft--not just to replenish diminished ranks of its armed forces, but to ensure traditional civilian controls of its military.

Under the draft--which ended in 1973 when the so-called professional armed forces were created--citizen soldiers knew they soon would be returning to civilian status and didn't conform blindly to authority that inspires military coups. Draftees also provided a massive trained reserve force during national emergencies.

Today, without the draft, the armed forces have limited reserves to call. And if draftees are required, lengthy processing and training must start with green recruits.

Can America afford several months to respond to national crises? Of course not.

If tiny Switzerland and Israel can require all able-bodied citizens to undergo military training, should't the world's major peacekeeper? Of course it should.

Requiring national service in America would not only provide replenishment to active and inactive military units, but could also provide alternative training and service in humanitarian sectors for conscientious objectors and other antimilitary types.

Reinstate the draft.(14 NOVEMBER 1999).
