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No one has a viable plan to repair Iraq?

Don’t believe it. And it is not staying the course, thank you.

U.S. Sen. Joseph Biden (D-Delaware) suggests decentralizing the country into separate political regions governed by Kurds, Shiites and Sunnis.

Iraq’s central government would pursue clearly defined common interests such as border security and distribution of oil revenues. Baghdad would be a federal city belonging to no region.

Provincial militias would provide police and security services in each region. Minority protection would be handled by international peacekeepers in mixed cities—duplicating the successful efforts in Bosnia.

Iraq’s constitution already encourages the country’s 18 provinces to join in regions with their own security forcees and control over most day-to-day issues.

Under that plan, most allied forces would begin withdrawing by the end of 2007, leaving a small contingent to strike terrorist concentrations and discourage incursions from Iraq’s neighbors. (24 SEPTEMBER 2006)
