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Thick ankles and a pro-war stance aren’t Hillary Clinton’s biggest problems in seeking nomination and election as President.

Sen. Clinton (D-N.Y.) has to define exactly what she’ll do about William Jefferson, her husband and former President, if she wins those contests.

Bill doesn’t fit the namby-pamby criteria for First Spouse. He’s a rock star as emeritus chief executive. Never mind that he never inhaled or “had sex with that woman.”

He wouldn’t be content to counsel his wife only during pillow talks in the White House family quarters.

No, Bill would need an official role to fulfill his skills as a statesman and goodwill ambassador—and frequently keep him away from Washington D.C.

The ideal job would be secretary of state. Hey, nepotism as an issue died when President J.F. Kennedy appointed his brother, Bobby, as attorney general.

Let daughter Chelsea supervise the chambermaids, plan the Easter egg hunt and redo the décor. (7 JANUARY 2007)
