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Will this nightmare never end?

Dubya’s handlers have a plan to grease the skids for a Republican administration in 2008.

Vice President Dick Cheney (aka Darth Vader) will resign because of obvious health problems, opening the door to an appointed veep with an inside incumbency edge to capture the whole enchilada.

Who’s the obvious anointed one? Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), that’s who. That’s why Ol’ Straight Talk has been courting Dubya’s right-wing base and endorsing the President’s surge in Iraq.

Sen. McCain has the cred to deal with naughty nations and international terrorists. And his obvious choice for a running mate, Rudy Giuliani, has the cred for important domestic issues such as homeland security.

Expect the veep’s departure to be inevitable as soon as the Scooter Libby trial reveals Cheney’s complicity as an un-indicted co-conspirator in the Plame outing and cover-up. (28 JANUARY 2007)
