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Albert Einstein once said that if bees disappeared, “man would have only four years of life left.”

Well, Earth’s most productive creature—the honey bee—now is greatly endangered and may be headed for extinction.

Along with 188, 000-plus flowering plants that depend on pollination. And the animals that eat those plants. And the animals--including humans--that eat those animals, fruits and vegetables.

Since late-2006, “colony collapse disorder” or CCD has devastated hives across America and Europe.

Some experts believe stress may be suppressing bee immune systems, along with mites, pathogens and pesticides.

Other experts blame radiation from mobile phones, other hi-tech gadgets and power lines for screwing up bee navigation systems.

Makes sense. Mobile phones discombobulate talking drivers all the time. The jury still is out on whether mobile phones cause brain tumors, kill brain cells or reduce sperm counts.

Restrict the use of mobile phones to hours of darkness, when bees aren’t busy. Or just starve to death in 2011. (29 APRIL 2007)
