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That’s Text Message Speak for “let’s get high,” one of thousands of shorthand creations used today by countless teenagers in wireless telephone communications.

At 10 cents a pop (sending or receiving each transmission) for the hundreds or thousands of exchanges a month by some teens, the cost--not part of the contracted time allotment—is jolting parents across America.

Texting, as opposed to speaking one to one, allows users to simultaneously reach a wide audience and effectively creates a parentless climate.

After all, how many grownups would recognize LMAO as “laughing my ass off”?

No matter. Text messages, unlike data on hard drives, aren’t stored and available for later scrutiny by Mom or Dad.

Oops, GGP (got to go pee).

That’s better. Anyway, The Editor writes this NIFOC. That’s “naked in front of computer.” (27 MAY 2007)
