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Don’t know about your hunk of suburbia, but in this neighborhood the yahoos are in charge once again.

Yahoos, as in those who turn passenger vehicles into pulsating or screaming gizmos operated by dickweeds hiding behind smoked glass in side and rear windows.

Remember when your state mandated that all vehicles have mufflers?

Or that vehicular noise could not exceed certain levels or be heard beyond certain distances?

Or that vehicle rear and side windows had to be clear to protect law-enforcement officers from ambushes during traffic stops?

Perhaps those laws and ordinances are still on the books. Perhaps they’re simply not being enforced any more.

You’d think that exhaust systems mimicking jet engines on full thrust, that giant subwoofers bouncing on wheels and that invisible drivers and passengers would draw the fuzz like bees to honey.

But bees are disappearing. Perhaps the cops are too. (1 JULY 2007)
