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He’s b-a-a-a-c-k!

If you’re confined to a hospice or nursing home, do you really want the Grim Reaper purring at your side?

Oscar the cat, a gray and white two-year-old, appears to have accurately determined the impending death of at least 25 dementia patients in Providence, R.I.

The New England Journal of Medicine reports that Oscar’s attention now causes staff members to alert families of the terminally ill that the end is near.

Does Oscar read the signs, such as breathing difficulties, decreased blood flows, coldness in the extremities and losses of appetite?

Probably not, according to animal-behavior experts. Oscar probably just wants to share the heated blankets placed on dying patients.

Proof positive that domestic felines are self-centered beasts willing to tolerate humans only for creature comforts. (29 JULY 2007)
