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California’s legislature may yet earn its reputation as an assembly of “girlie men” without balls.

Its considering passage of the “Healthy Pets Act,” requiring owners of most cats and dogs to have them sterilized at age six months or older because of an alleged overpopulation problem.

Endorsed by veterinarians, humane societies, animal-control agencies and opponents of dog fighting, the law would exempt sellers and owners of registered breeds.

Complicating the issue, however, is a federal lawsuit filed by a supporter of the legislation. He wants the Sacramento Capitol Park statue of a service dog fixed because its intact testicles send the wrong message to pet owners.

If legislators had any gonads, they’d require illegal immigrants—California’s biggest overpopulation problems—to be neutered.

Yeh, but then the wetbacks would complain of castration without representation. (5 AUGUST 2007)
