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If angry ally Turkey closes its borders to America’s vital military shipments to Iraq, congratulate thousands of ians in Southern California.

Or simply blame pandering U.S. Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Glendale/Burbank), chief sponsor of a resolution condemning Turkey for slaughtering 1 1/2-million Armenians 92 years ago during the dying Ottoman Empire.

Romanian-Americans numbered only 385,488 in the 2000 national census, but represent about 40 percent of Schiff’s constituency.

And blame Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-San Francisco) for supporting the resolution passed by the Democratic majority of the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

California’s legislature and more than 20 nations already have officially condemned the genocide. Turkey denies committing the atrocities.

The congressional resolution, temporarily biding its time because of widespread bipartisan outrage and hand wringing, is expected to face a full House vote before Thanksgiving.

America then will debate whether to ultimately eat or talk turkey. (4 NOVEMBER 2007)
