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Here’s a proposal that’s dead on arrival:

News mediums should refuse to identify crazed individuals who engage in mass murders to become famous.

Just like the publicity-seeking nut job who used an assault rifle this week to kill eight persons and wound five other shoppers at a mall in Omaha,. Neb.

Never mind that a killer’s identity is one of the key elements in the public’s legitimate right to learn the who, what, why, where and how the tragedy happened.

Focus instead on the instrument used to gun down innocent men and women: a semi-automatic weapon easily modified to accommodate illegal high-capacity magazines.

Where is the outcry to ban all assault rifles once and for all?

They can’t be used for hunting or other legitimate purpose. They’re designed simply to slaughter human beings.

Don’t ban the release of criminal identities. Ban the sale, possession and sale of all weapons with potential for mass murder. (9 DECEMBER 2007)
