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Beware the next time you encounter a teenager with eyebrow markings.

Chances are the individual is a gang member, or simply may be just another slave to the latest “cool” fashions in Grades K-12.

Yes, students as young as five years old are shaving lines in their eyebrows, just as other idiots still walk around with Mohawk haircuts.

Most eyebrow shaving now is gang-related, however, a trend popularized by hip-hop rappers (naturally).

Some Latino gangs with numbers in their names shave vertical lines—for example, one in one brow and three in the other to represent “13”—as identifiers.

At least shaved eyebrows aren’t permanent. Tattoos are.

And shaved eyebrows don’t snag. Rings in lobes, noses, eyebrows, lips, belly buttons, nipples and other private areas do. (11 MAY 2008)
