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What goes up eventually goes down—and vice versa.

Stocks go up and go down as paper profits and paper losses. Stock brokers, meanwhile, still make commissions on buys and sells.

Bullish traders salivate, just waiting for opportunities to purchase premium shares at bargain-basement prices. They know the economy—and their dividends—will take off again.

Those abandoned foreclosed housing properties, mostly newly constructed, won’t turn to dust during the federal bailout. They will fetch good prices as the economy improves and the rescue funds are repaid to the treasury.

Angry taxpayers will ensure that the next administration and congress will force reasonable oversight and regulations on the financial sector.

Free-marketers, today’s equivalent to pirates, will join their greedy lobbyists in exile.

Corporate golden parachutes and outrageous salaries, benefits and bonuses will be just nightmarish memories.

America just woke up. (12 OCTOBER 2008)
