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Sometimes you have to side with the fundamental, conservative, right-wing ideologues.

Sometimes the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Republicans, Libertarians and other anti-union right-to-work nabobs get it right.

The proposed “Employee Free Choice Act” before Congress is a blatant tool to deny millions of workers the right to vote in privacy on union representation.

The act would replace the secret ballot with a system of “card checks” allowing labor organizers to pressure workers to publicly sign cards stating they wish to join a union.

If a simple majority of workers signs the authorization cards, the union is formed as the bargaining representative for all workers regarding wages, benefits and working conditions.

The other 49 percent of workers don’t even have to be consulted.

Who the hell is going to risk his or her physical well-being and future working relationships by telling union activists to stuff it?

If you refuse to sign the card, you’ll be in the same boat with “scabs.” (2 NOVEMBER 2008)
