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Only 16 days remain before the worst President in United States history leaves office.

Eight years of incompetence, cronyism, unilateral bullishness and unconstitutional behaviors will write the legacy for Dubya.

Retired “43” will return to Dallas and Crawford, Tex. in disgrace and exchange his suits and ties for more appropriate Stetsons, jeans,. boots and spurs.

Dubya’s ghostwriters will prepare his memoirs, which won’t command much attention from publishers and readers.

Tell-all authors and historians, however, will pen best-sellers exposing Dubya’s moral bankruptcy and abdication of leadership to neo-cons led by Darth Cheney.

His pathetic two terms as Bozo-in-Chief leaves the Republican Party with another incompetent, Gov. Sarah Palin, as its national front-runner in 2012.

Thank God for small favors. (4 JANUARY 2009)
