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”VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): You are able to fool people easily, so it is tempting to take unfair advantage. Take the high road; do not be a deceiver today.”

Astrologer Jeraldine Saunders, who writes the STAR SIGNS for syndication to newspapers, needs to follow her own advice.

Astrology is pseudo science. It’s deceitful—in the same boat with turbaned seers paid to look for guidance in crystal balls. It is pure bullpucky.

Yet hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions, of numbnuts rely on daily horoscopes to guide their lives.

Many newspapers avoid buying boilerplate horoscopes by picking some newsroom flunky to write pithy guidance for followers of the 12 zodiac signs—plus one special piece of advice for the birthday boy or girl.

Newspapers are supposed to be fountains of knowledge, dedicated to publishing facts and objective discourse on important issues.

Yet l2 or more daily or weekly column inches of valuable editorial space are devoted to worthless fortune-telling. Fortunately they are usually confined to the equally worthless comics page. (4 OCTOBER 2009)
