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Journalists strive to "comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable."

Which explains why there are so few conservative journalists in print and broadcast newsrooms.

Republicans, after all, reflect America's most-comfortable folks.

Which explains why Republicans have had to create pseudo scribes to promote their conservative agendas.

James O'Keefe, a self-described "investigative journalist" for a right-wing website, is the latest Fourth Estate fraud perpetuated by the GOP.

O'Keefe and three others were arrested this week for allegedly feloniously entering federal property to commit a felony.

They claim they were simply gathering evidence for a negative story about Democrat U.S. Sen. Mary Landrieu's office in New Orleans, La.

O'Keefe joins Jeff Gannon, the gay escort who was given credentials as a correspondent to Dubya's White House. Gannon represented a conservative website.

And conservative columnist Armstrong Williams, who took Republican money to promote Dubya's No Child Left Behind Act.

And those fake "journalists" attending a news conference called by Dubya's Federal Emergency Management Agency. (31 JANUARY 2010)
