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Let's face it. The Greeks didn't organize the Winter Olympic Games.

For hard-bodied ski bums, snow bunnies or anyone else. Commercial interests did.

Now underway in Vancouver B.C., Canada, the every-four-year event celebrates so-called sports mostly affordable only to those who patronize spendy resorts.

Curling, figure skating, ice dancing, ice hockey and speed skating are available only in the rare ice rink.

Nobody drags out the old bobsled or luge when snowflakes fall in America.

And who the hell shoots a rifle while skiing? Or jumps into the ozone on skis or snowboards?

Badminton, table tennis and swimming--three of 29 real sports in the Summer Olympic Games--provide more relevance to the average person.

And don't forget the babes in beach volleyball and water ballet. Oh yeah. (14 FEBRUARY 2010)
