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Vice President Darth Cheney supported and approved enhanced interrogation of terrorist detainees in American custody.

Such interrogation--specifically waterboarding--is considered torture, is banned by the Geneva Convention and its practitioners are considered war criminals.

Ergo, Cheney--still sneering in retirement--is a war criminal. Which automatically makes his heterosexual daughter, Liz, a war criminal because she defends her father's criminal actions.

Clearly a logical conclusion. Liz's advocacy group--Keep America Safe--posted a Web ad targeting nine attorneys who defended Guantanamo detainees as "al- Qaeda lawyers."

Seven of those lawyers, now working for the "Dept. of Jihad (Justice)," were actually retained by the Dubya-Darth Administration to defend the suspected terrorists on a pro bono (free) basis.

Lawyers always are condemned for defending clients they know are guilty of heinous crimes. That goes with the territory.

Hey, defense counsels simply are advocates for fair treatment and due process under the law for their clients, regardless of the prepondernce of incriminating evidence.

Liz, being a lawyer herself, knows that. After all, she defends her father despite the preponderence of evidence that he and other neo-cons are guilty of war crimes.

And she supports other conservatives who condemn gay rights even though her sister is an avowed lesbian. (7 MARCH 2010)
