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Nothing symbolizes the tragedy of British Petroleum's oilwell disaster more than the sight of pelicans and other fowl drenched in petroleum inundating America's shoreline and sea in the Gulf of Mexico.

While a few hundred birds have been rescued, cleaned and sent to safe habitats, many more thousands have joined countless other sealife suffocated by the expanding spill.

Entire species may be wiped out before the man-made gusher is stopped and the massive cleanup completed.

Meanwhile, thousands of miles of pristine beaches and productive fishing grounds have been turned into environmental nightmares with devastating effects on state populations and economies.

All because purchased politicians deliberately neutered America's responsibility to regulate the oil industry and ensure that reasonable safeguards were followed.

Much in the same way that purchased politicians abdicted their responsibility to regulate America's financial institutions, nearly paving the way to another Great Depression.

Birds and other dumb animals--including human beings--are being soaked by greedy and reckless corporations. (13 JUNE 2010)
