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How could anyone doubt that President Obama is a devout Christian?

Only committed Christians persistently turn the other cheek when abused.

Only passionate Christians believe their enemies aren't evil, but simply haven't yet recognized The Truth.

President Obama also is a reincarnated Neville Chamberlain, the British prime minister who believed Adolph Hitler wouldn't impose his will on other European countries.

Chamberlain's policy of appeasement toward the facists didn't work. And President Obama's dream of compromise with the Republicans hasn't worked either.

Anemic President Obama has squandered his political cred and emasculated the Democrats' overwhelming mandate for change.

He should have modeled himself after Chamberlain's successor, the half-American bulldog Winston Churchill, who almost single-handedly jammed the vee sign up der Fuhrer's tookus.

Come November, Republicans probably will capture the House. And the Senate and White House will probably fall in 2012.

All because of Barack Obama-Chamberlain's lack of political spine. (26 SEPTEMBER 2010)
