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Islamic fundamentalists aren't the only mean-spirited religionists out there.

Many American Bible-thumpers may relish the assassination of abortion providers, but usually aim only verbal bullets at nonChristians.

Who can forget the threats of a Florida preacher to burn copies of the Koran?

More recently, Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley--a former Baptist pastor--told his inaugural audience that he isn't a "brother" to anyone who has not accepted Jesus Christ as the savior.

But for sheer inflammatory lunacy, nothing equals the homicidal rants of the Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, Kan.

WBC members picket funerals of American combat casualties and high-profile victims of disease and murder.

Their protest signs claim that God caused the deaths because of America's tolerance for homosexuals or for legislative sanctions against the WBC.

Forget freedom of religion. Think freedom from religion. (23 JANUARY 2011)
