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What American sacred cow costs $700 billion a year?

And whose ox would be gored if $100 billion--14.2 per cent--could be trimmed without killing the fatted calf?

Republicans, industrial partners in the military-industrial cabal, whip out their right-handed swords whenever anyone suggests putting the bloated armed forces on any sort of diet.

Forget that Defense Secretary Robert Gates, a Republican left over from the Dubya regime, is author of the fat-reduction proposal.

At risk are hundreds of make-work defense projects that employ thousands of political constituents in all parts of the United States.

Nevermind that many of those pork projects--aircraft and other weapons systems--either don't work or aren't needed by the armed forces.

Get real. We can't win the War on Terrorism with national public broadcasting, planned parenthood and public-employe unions. (17 APRIL 2011)
