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Bribe a bureaucrat in America or some other western nation and you've committed a serious crime.

(Unless it's a political contribution.)

In Third World countries of the Middle East, Latin America and Asia, you've simply embraced the culture by greasing an official palm.

Bribery and corruption are the norms in undeveloped countries because bureaucrats are paid diddly squat. They even bribed someone to get their own jobs.

Haggling and barter are also part of the medieval culture--one performed to shaft the buyer or seller, the other to hide income from revenue agents.

Haggling is frowned upon in America and other western nations--unless you're buying or selling a car.

You don't haggle when buying or selling a house. You make offers or counteroffers--usually in writing.

For other purchases, you pay the sticker price.

No posturing, no wailing, no outrage. (15 MAY 2011)
