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Elected officials vow to follow the federal or state constitutions affecting them.

They invariably promise to represent only the interests of their constituents--not the dictates of individuals or organizations with special agendas.

Yet 236 members of the U.S. House of Representatives, 41 members of the U.S. Senate, 13 governors and 1,249 state legislators have sworn allegience to a national coalition opposing higher taxes at federal, state and local levels.

They've signed the Taxpayer Protection Pledge drafted by Grover G. Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform.

Norquist--who has the charisma of a constipated gopher--and the ATR threaten to unleash ultra right-wing Republican primary challenges to signers who violate the pledge.

Forget that the overwhelming majority of Americans believe wealthy individuals and corporations should assume larger tax burdens.

Grover owns thousands of pols. And Grover says no. (24 JULY 2011) <
