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Not all clueless bozos are named Sarah, Michelle, Sharon and Christine.

At least one is named Priya Punjabi M.D., a general practitioner specializing in family healthcare in suburban Philadelphia, Pa. since 1985.

Punjabi received her doctorate in India in 1976, which might explain why she didn't take a course in the Americans With Disabilities Act.

She earned her 15 minutes of infamy and legal liability recently for ejecting a working seeing-eye dog, Hero, from her waiting room.

The canine belongs to Joe Cichonski, the blind husband of a patient seeking a physical exam to qualify for Social Security benefits.

Punjabi refused to examine Cichonski's wife until Hero departed and explained her action by saying the harnessed Labrador retriever was "a pet."

News to Punjabi: Federal law recognizes Hero as a highly trained guide animal and he and Joe are allowed to go anywhere together. Period. (21 AUGUST 2011)
