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Who'd have thunk it?

There's no such thing as public indecency in the City/County of San Francisco, Calif.

We're not talking about the occasional parade of naked bicyclists peddling through large urban areas.

Apparently there are public places in San Fran where nudists blithely stroll, shop, dine and cavort on a daily basis.

Frisco's board of supervisors recently proposed to codify existing nudist etiquette, such as covering seating areas and donning clothes when frequenting restaurants and other food outlets.

Nevermind that a "full monty" exposes male sexual organs, considered a criminal no-no in most civilized jurisdictions.

Naked females usually never tip the misdemeanor meter, since their sexual organs aren't visible--hence the permitted use of unclad women in art studios and go-go bars.

At least make male G-strings mandatory, Supervisors. (18 SEPTEMBER 2011
