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Millions of registered voters in 34 states probably won't get the chance to cast their ballots in the primary and general elections next year.

Those disenfranchised electors are seniors, minorities, students and other impoverished riffraff of the 99%.

They don't have state-issued photo-identification cards. Social Security cards, studentbody cards and most other forms of official identification won't do.

And, of course, the documentation needed to receive an official ID card is subject to redtape and other bureaucratic pitfalls.

All in the name of preventing "voter fraud," a myth sponsored and touted by the Republican Party.

When challenged to produce evidence of such fraud, the GOP says it is merely taking pre-emptive action against future nefarious balloting.

Bankrolling the voter-suppression efforts are rightwing billionaires Charles and David Koch and their puppet organizations, the American Legislative Exchange Council and Americans for Prosperity. (11 DECEMBER 2011)
