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Harry Higgens Foundation Society said goodbye to one of its founders on Feb. 6.

HHFS Chancellor Extraordinary Charles Leroy Britton lost his lengthy battle with cancer. He was 74.

Charlie is survived by his wife, Dale.

A 1958 journalism graduate of Los Angeles State College, Charlie had transferred there after graduating from Pasadena City College.

He earned his news bones as a reporter for a La Puente, Calif. newspaper before joining the Santa Monica Evening Outlook.

Charlie entered public service in 1965, serving as a deputy to Los Angeles City Councilman Marvin Braude until 1982.

He then returned to journalism as the film and restaurant critic for The Daily Breeze, a newspaper serving Los Angeles shoreline communities, before taking early retirement in 2008.

Throughout his college and post-college life, Charlie was a master of minutiae who relished being a square peg in a round hole. He was a closet conservative beloved and bedeviled by progressives.

You won't find Charlie in Facebook or profiled on Google. Except for his published bylined reviews, he exists only in the memory of family, friends and colleagues.

Harry would have liked that. (12 FEBRUARY 2012)
