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You believe you're rid of them when they leave office or retire from public service.

But no, they stay around forever.

America right now has five persons called "President." Four are former chief executives, while one is the current office holder.

Think of the thousands of former or retired persons still called "Governor, Mayor, Senator, Representative, Admiral, General, Colonel, Commander, Chief" in your state.

They reject the "Mr., Mrs., Miss, Ms." titles the rest of us go by. They are poobahs for life.

Just like title-holders in Great Britain, where men and women are routinely "knighted" by Queen Elizabeth.

Anointed individuals who made major professional contributions to England now can legally place "Sir" or "Dame" in front of their names.

America in 1776 thumbed its nose at mandated royal addresses. It should now revolt against its own use of life-long titles. (26 FEBRUARY 2011)
